B Well Counseling Center is grounded in the Gender Affirmative Model (GAM).
GAM Core Principles:
- Gender diversity is a universal aspect of humanity.
- There are infinite gender identities.
- Gender presentations are diverse and varied across cultures.
- Gender is an evolving lifelong process which often varies according to an individual’s developmental stage.
- Gender development is a constellation of biology, psychology, socialization, culture, time, and context.
- Clients are impacted by discrimination, internalized transphobia, and holding multiple marginalized identities.
- Gender identity is not rooted in pathology.
Working as a gender specialist using the Gender Affirmative Model requires that the provider:
- Advocate and support the development of the authentic, self-defined gender of all children and teens.
- Promote healthy development by providing integrated and collaborative care across all domains of a young person’s life.
- Take a proactive stance in helping children, teens, and their families to access services.
- Support parents and caregivers on their own journey in expanding their knowledge and ability to support their gender diverse children and adolescents.
- Stay current on best practices working with transgender, nonbinary, and gender expansive children and youth.